Z probe stop

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Enregistré le : 06 janv. 2020 18:02

Z probe stop

Message par Manolocs »

Hi, sorry my French is very poor, in this gcode generated by Fusion360, I do not have button in my TFT28 to continue RUN after the M0, Am I missing something? Thanks in advance
; *** START begin ***
M84 S0
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
M0 Attach ZProbe
G28 Z
G92 Z19.3
G0 Z40 F300
M0 Detach ZProbe
; *** START end ***
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Re: Z probe stop

Message par RoMaker »

Hi Manolocs,
I'm not sure to understand what you want... If you wanna create a probe button on the TFT, follow the tutorial https://www.makerfr.com/en/cnc/grbl-32- ... oi-du-tft/ "Create custom buttons"
(your topic has been moved in the international section)
Messages : 4
Enregistré le : 13 juil. 2018 10:33

Re: Z probe stop

Message par perani »


First of all thanks to Romain and the forum for a great project! I have just finished upgrading my RS-CNC to RS-CNC32 (thanks Romain for very fast delivery of the boards ;) ). On the old setup we could not use M0 since this was not supported by Repetier. However on GRBL it is supported but on the ESP32 controller I have some issues. I want to pause a job from SD card using G-code M0 (to make a tool change during a running job). I can see that GRBL is paused correctly but the controller on the ESP32 board does not notice that and therefore a resume button is not shown in the information screen in the same way as if you have pushed the pause button. I have tried to look into the code to see if it could be implemented/fixed but currently without any luck.

Messages : 4
Enregistré le : 13 juil. 2018 10:33

Re: Z probe stop

Message par perani »

Hi Manolocs,

As I had the same issue with M0 I have tried to dig in to the code for the GRBL controller on the ESP32 module. I have found a way to fix it so it now works (at least for me). Now it correctly shows the resume button when an M0 has caused GRBL to pause. It was only a few lines of code to change - hope that mstrens will fix this in his code tree as well (thanks to mstrens for making this amazing program available :) ). I have attached my changed file.
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Enregistré le : 27 févr. 2018 12:58

Re: Z probe stop

Message par mstrens »

Thanks for your change.
I just updated the version on github with your change.