My R-CNC is skipping steps

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Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par RoMaker »

There is no tutorial, but if Aze is reading this post, maybe he would send you a copy of his firmware
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 05 juin 2018 19:14

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par GIANNI »

Thanks Romain. We hope in Aze
... I do not know where to start.
Good evening
Messages : 1928
Enregistré le : 11 mars 2017 14:13

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par Aze »

You open the online configurator:

you can upload my configuration.h to have a starting point (attached piece).
Then you need to change the steps/mm with your actual values (look into your configuration.h from Marlin).
Try not to put more than 1/8 of microstepping on your drivers, it's more than enough (precision is 0.016mm in X & Y with 1/8 of microstepping and even better in Z). Marlin is skipping steps because it can not calculate fast enough. Repetier won't miss steps, but can be laggy if you use more than 1/8 on your drivers.
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Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 05 juin 2018 19:14

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par GIANNI »

Thank you very much. I hope to be able to do this thing ..
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 05 juin 2018 19:14

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par GIANNI »

I have uploaded the repetier firmware instead of Marlin, but I can not see anything on the display. If I connect Repetier host the Nema work properly.... What should I do?
Messages : 1928
Enregistré le : 11 mars 2017 14:13

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par Aze »

I don't have the same LCD screen, choose "full graphic LCD" in the parameters. Sorry I forgot to tell you.
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 05 juin 2018 19:14

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par GIANNI »

In Arduino configuration h?
Messages : 1928
Enregistré le : 11 mars 2017 14:13

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par Aze »

go back to the online configurator, and change the screen.
Then go back to your Arduino IDE, go to examples->eeprom->eepromclear() (load it once, to clear all the EEPROM).
Then compile and load your new Repetier Firmware.
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 05 juin 2018 19:14

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par GIANNI »

ok. thank you. I have the settings of the LCD screen and now it works.
I saw that the display and information are different than Marlin ... can you explain how do you set the zero point of z and how do you set a home starting?
Messages : 1928
Enregistré le : 11 mars 2017 14:13

Re: My R-CNC is skipping steps

Message par Aze »

Just press the reset button to make a (0;0;0). I don't know your configuration: in my case, only the pin ENA is connected on my board (=if the CNC is ON, I can not move manually X and Y, but if I disable the motors with the screen, only the Z will be disabled and I can move it manually to make my zero on Z).