R-CNC Z-probe and Auto level

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Enregistré le : 05 nov. 2017 14:23

R-CNC Z-probe and Auto level

Message par André »

Finally I finished this fantastic machine thanks to Romaker. I'm waiting my 52 mm spindle from aliexpress. I tested with a pencil and works great. The arduino is resetting when I move the x axis in a negative value. I read about changes in speed and acceleration can solve this problem in another topic of this forum. I would like to milling PCB with this machine and a Z probe and auto level would be useful. Someone implement this feature in this machine and how. Im working in a simple arduino tachometer with a hall sensor to measure spindle rpm using arduino pro or nano, as soon as possible I will make this available here. Thanks again Romain for this work.
André Mesquita
São Paulo
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Re: R-CNC Z-probe and Auto level

Message par RoMaker »

Thank you very much André ! Don't hesite to share your z-probe modification on the forum ;)
Messages : 25
Enregistré le : 28 déc. 2017 19:57

Re: R-CNC Z-probe and Auto level

Message par xaocass »

Any news about z-probe? Has anybody added it on R-CNC?
I want to make PCB's and it would be very useful. One more problem I have is even when milling wood, my table is not very straight.
Is possible to add a probe to R-CNC or maybe it's better to just make RS-CNC32?
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Enregistré le : 18 août 2017 20:22

Re: R-CNC Z-probe and Auto level

Message par Kachidoki »

I think you could benefit much more by bringing the RS-CNC³² electronic onto your R-CNC mechanical. You will have to add the endstops of course, but it is worth the effort. You still can disable them into the firmware or by putting jumpers instead.