26 résultats trouvés

par mattswensson
06 déc. 2020 20:16
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Hard limit reached
Réponses : 6
Vues : 2813

Re: Hard limit reached

i have also been trying to fix the noise on my machine and have been running with hard limits disabled - which is probably not the best idea but i really don't want a job to end in the middle for no reason. i'm using shielded cable and everything is grounded so i must have some area that is getting ...
par mattswensson
25 nov. 2020 21:57
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

I found one more problem that I should have caught. It appears my spindle holder was allowing the spindle to slip down within it if the bit is digging too aggressively. I think i've solved that but may need to print a new holder now.
par mattswensson
23 nov. 2020 18:05
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

Thanks, have been following along with your upgrades - all of which are great. I may do that in the future along with some others I used these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V41FRZS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and had to use two of them stacked because the clearance to...
par mattswensson
23 nov. 2020 04:06
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

My curiosity got the best of me as I was starting to disassemble in anticipation of a new TR8 screw. I took a better look at the TR8 screw and it, in fact was 1 start. I took off the antibacklash nut (this actually was easier than i thought after taking out the front two screws it comes off easily.....
par mattswensson
22 nov. 2020 20:28
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

That is awesome. Thanks for the info. I actually came to a similar conclusion and placed an order that will arrive tomorrow. If that doesn't seem to work I will reach out to you. Will also update this post with the results.
par mattswensson
22 nov. 2020 19:14
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

Here is a video of the 'play' in the assembly.

par mattswensson
22 nov. 2020 19:01
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

Here is possibly a better picture of the TR8 screw. Also, I noticed that it is possible for me to wiggle the whole assembly up and down - basically reproducing the issue manually. This would seem to rule out tension from the belt or motor and lead more to the antibacklash nut or screw. I am able to ...
par mattswensson
22 nov. 2020 17:28
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

In which material : wood, aluminum, other ? I am cutting into Wood. Have yet to try metal. I am just trying to make some simple signs for christmas gifts. I am sure you already done, but if not, check the Z closed belt is properly stretched and that the screws of the Z motor are properly tighten. I...
par mattswensson
22 nov. 2020 05:04
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

I just ran out there now for a picture. It looks like 2? This is what I ordered (and believe is what I got) 3D Printer T8 screw THSL-200-8D Trapezoidal Lead Screw Dia 8MM Pitch 2mm Lead 2mm Length 200mm with Copper Nut https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32711438953.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dkb...
par mattswensson
22 nov. 2020 04:38
Forum : GRBL32bits V1.0/1.5
Sujet : Z axis slipping
Réponses : 15
Vues : 5104

Re: Z axis slipping

Thanks I will double check in the morning. Also I just remembered that when I swapped out the anti backlash I had some ball bearings fall out of the linear guides. I put them back but wonder if that could some how be related? I did find also that my feed rate might have also been too high for the bi...